This weekend, my son Jack, achieved Eagle Scout status. We held an Eagle Court of Honor to honor him and his friend, David, and their accomplishments. The whole thing seems like an out of body experience - I know, that sounds a bit dramatic - but let me explain and give a bit of history here. Every summer for the last two years, Jack has taught at a scout camp called Camp Kickthawenund. While this camp is ultimately only about a thirty (30) minute drive from home, it feels like he is across the world. This is not my favorite time of year. Jack is my baby boy. Once, while riding his bike, he came upon a mound of ants on the sidewalk. Jack stopped his bike (training wheels kept him upright - thank goodness for that), lifted his legs onto the handlebars of his bike, and began screaming uncontrollably....not the reaction this mother, nor any of the other mothers on the playground, expected! Jack was my baby boy that would take his light saber to th...
People who know me, know that Fall is my favorite time of year. Today, I spent time doing several of my favorite things, in fact. I walked with my best friend and my daughter, enjoying the outside fresh air, sunshine, nature, God's creation. These are some of the little things I enjoyed: The way the light shines on the colorful leaves in the trees, casting shadows and variations of colors in the reds, yellows, and oranges of the leaves. The way the wind blows the leaves down the street, making them look like they are involved in an intricate dance on the black pavement. The way the blue herons glide in over the water to land on a nearby dock at the local reservoir. The way the ripples of the water and the sunlight's reflection on the water make it look like the ducks are appearing and disappearing right in...