Today was day three (3) of the celebrations leading up to Boo's birthday. I tried to think of one word that would describe it. Messy - yes, that describes it, but it does not really explain the fun we had. Crazy - well, that describes just about everything we do in my family. Let's see if I can't tell the story and come up with a better word by the end of it.
Moms are constantly put on the spot. The plan going into today was to wake up, enjoy a nice cup of coffee and watch the sunrise over the lake, and then go our separate ways to school and work. Well .... NOTE TO REDHEAD - there is a difference between the time for dawn and the time for sunrise, a fact which might have been overlooked by someone when scheduling this morning's celebrations. Therefore, we aborted the original plans.
Jack and Boo came up with every crazy idea in the book to replace the original plan, and then tried to convince me each of their new ideas was a good idea. Actually, come to think of it, this happens a lot. Jack and Boo scheme, come in to pull me in as their ally in their scheme, and then set off to mayhem, usually with me in tow. Of course in that scenario, it does not quite tell the whole truth - as the kids would tell you I am generally the instigator of the mayhem. I had to tell Jack and Boo that their new plan to get up at 4 am, drive to a remote place, and lay on the ground in the middle of a parking lot to gaze at stars was probably not the most well thought out plan, especially since we all had full days of work and school.
I was left to come up with a brilliant idea that would LIVE IN THE HEARTS AND MINDS OF MY CHILDREN FOREVER (you should hear this phrase echoing, because that's how I hear it in the movie in my head). Well, maybe not an idea THAT spectacular, but you know the expectations we moms put on ourselves.
I remembered an episode of Friends where the characters dropped a cheesecake on the floor, and they all end up eating the cheesecake off the floor. Why not re-enact that scene?
After work, Elanor and I took a lovely trip to Costco, where its impossible to go in with a list of ten (10) items and only come out with ten (10) items. I know. I've tried and been ridiculed by my children mercilessly over my failures. We bought one of Costco's lovely cheesecakes - it really is the best store-
bought one I have found, aside from Cheesecake Factory. Then, we headed home with plans in mind.
When Boo came home from work (late at night mind you), operation re-enact cheesecake scene ensued. She performed beautifully, filming her Snapchat video of the whole thing. Only, its impossible to be sitting on a floor eating cheesecake and not pick up a handful to "help" someone else eat it, right? At least that's how my mind works. And Boo would probably like me to point out that the cheesecake facial that started the whole mess was definitely premeditated by the one and only - me. Of course, once mom starts something naughty, the kids cannot help but add to the fun. I cannot remember the last time I laughed so hard - cheesecake was flying - on faces, in armpits, in hair, on clothes, and yes....down the front!
No - I probably cannot come up with one single word to describe the event. But the memory - oh that memory might just live in the hearts and minds of my children forever - yes, a girl just did that!
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